Southrop CofE Primary School’s minibus will reach the end of its rental agreement in March and will have to be returned. This will leave the school without an important asset that helps with many educational experiences for the young pupils.
Located in a small, rural village, the school depends on the minibus for the children to access educational activities away from the school campus. It is used for children to attend the Forest School at nearby Macaroni Woods, swimming lessons, sporting fixtures, local church services, visits to local libraries and collaborative events with other schools.
The cost to buy a new minibus is between £65k-£80, but Southrop School PTA is hoping to buy their current minibus for between £15k-£20k. However, this offer is only available to them if they can raise the funds before March 2025.
So now Southrop School PTA has started an urgent fundraising campaign to raise £20k starting with the 2025 New Year Challenge that encourages the children and their families to each raise £20.25. This will be followed by the Southrop Jumble Sale taking place on Saturday March 8. Take a stall and sell your jumble; go along on the day and buy some jumble; or have a clear out and donate some jumble.
Racing against time, the PTA is also hoping for financial donations and grants from local and national charitable trusts and encouraging local businesses to sponsor the minibus. In exchange for a minimum donation of £1,000, sponsors can expect to have their company logos displayed on the school minibus, at the Jumble Sale and in social media marketing.
Kelly Smith, Chair of Southrop School PTA said: “The minibus is such an important asset for our school. Please help by donating at:”
Article by Chris Roberts MBE PR